Instrumental written by Victor Alexeff (ASCAP)

Death Valley, CA

Inside the abandoned mine the faint clinking sound was barely audible.

Deep down the old shaft the machines were running smoothly.

Vickor Savchenko had made sure that the sound-proofing was handled by the best in the business. Military grade quality.

‘Don’t want to give away the secret sauce to snooping hikers or park rangers, now do we’ Viktor thought, which produced a little smile. ‘Not this far into the game anyhow. Gotta make sure everything runs silent and deep.’ He loved Submarine movies. Perfect fit for what the current situation called for most: Stealth.

Inside the underground structure almost the size of a small city, Viktor was standing in front a dizzying array of control monitors. The room had no other light source than the screens displaying an endless procession of news and entertainment footage from all around the globe. In the far corner massive server banks were humming.

A red light flashed. A camera came on center screen.