She is finished! Thanks to Renato Giordano the master builder. I am thankful and excited at the same time.
GEIST meets Patrick Abbate and Band
GEIST meets Patrick Abbate and Band.
All the way from Sardinia, Italy, Patrick and his band joined Ruth and Martin for lunch at Mo’s Place here in beautiful Playa del Rey, California.
It was the first time we actually met and the band was on their to the airport (LAX) to embark on the 24 hour journey back home. It was such a pleasure hanging with these guys and Patrick offered his lead guitar services for the new ‘Book of Light’ project.
Stay tuned for more developments on this. Meanwhile you can check out Patrick’s website here:
'One World Guitar'
Inspired by the GEIST song “One World’ Renato Giordano has offered his unbelievable talents to create a one of a kind Fender-based guitar for me. Fully loaded with custom pick ups and a unique album cover pick guard, this beauty will come fully loaded with all the elements guitar enthusiasts such as myself can only dream of. A light weight young Canadian maple body and neck will make this baby unbelievably fast to play!
Thank you so much, Renato!
(I will post all the applied elements and tech specs at a later date.)
Can’t wait to get my eager little hands on this one.
GEIST - The Story of Martin Cole
Over the last 18 months, Martin has completed his decade long project: ‘GEIST Book of Shadows,’ The story of Martin Cole.
A dystopian thrill ride, a true multimedia experience. It started with a music album, 13 songs that gave him the idea to conceptualize a visual structure by producing music videos for each song. Then, he developed the character of Martin Cole.
A visual audiobook sprung to life. Unique in its structure, he attempted to weave a storyline into the already produced music and collaborated with artists from around the world to make it all a reality. From musical themes, sound effects to voice over, characters began to form and the story started to take shape.
During the pandemic of 2020 and well into 2021, a visual multimedia experience was born.
Please enjoy this SciFi experience
Here’s an excerpt from the story:
GEIST Book Of Shadows (Prologue)
‘My name is Martin Cole.
I’m one of the few survivors of the pandemic.
I come to you from an undisclosed location.
I have altered the frequency of my voice so ‘The Watchers’ can’t pick up my digital signature.
It is of utmost importance to my survival.
(Off screen female voice - ‘Frequency Secure’)
Ahh, good, all clear now…
What I’m about to tell you happens exactly seven years from now.
Where do I start….?’
The year is 2027
The pandemic had raged for seven years now.
There was no work, no income, no food, homelessness was growing fast.
Protests and violence had broken out all across the globe.
The ones that were immune had fled the cities and sought shelter in nature.
Major cities like New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Berlin, Paris, London, Mumbai, Beijing, Moscow had lost almost 90% of their inhabitants.
Towers of steel and glass decayed, like statues of a by gone era.
75% of the world’s population had been infected with the virus.
The governments didn’t tell you that. The governments had lied.
The numbers of infections they showed on TV weren’t real.
Multiply the number by 10, which comes much closer to reality.
Experience the story and much more, only on:
GEIST - Lost in the Fog
I never thought that I would like fog. Sometimes, on my morning runs on the beach, I encounter strange weather, unfamiliar to the always sunny Californian skies. This time it was magnificent. The wall of on-shore flow seemed to be suspended in mid-air, trying to reach the shore. I filmed this and was in awe of nature’s beauty. It made me think to myself, ‘Wow, what a great inspiration this is going to have on my creative process!’
Please enjoy the little things in life and make sure that nature can survive so future generations might have the same experience. The video I shot will be used in the ‘Book of Light’ for sure.