GEIST - 'Monoliths' Part 2

Happy March, everyone.
We are entering the month of Pisces and the spiritual emotions will run deep. Pisces is the 12th and last sign of the zodiac.
It means that your soul cycle will be completed soon and with a new beginning, Aries, right around the corner.

Just to give all my listeners a quick update of what’s been happening with ‘The Book of Light’.
Currently, we are putting the finishing touches on ‘Monoliths’, a gargantuan music piece in the vain of ‘Indoctrination’. Patrick Abbate was so kind to lend another helping hand on guitars.

This track started as an instrumental version, a track for a story video. It turned out however that once I had a melody line, it needed vocals. So I did.
It took some time to finish the lyrics and vocal arrangements, as it is such an epic song. But now we are almost ready tor release the music version of it. The video might take a little longer.

More updates on this soon…

Thanks all for tuning in.

Martin Cole

Watch The Fire Burn

Hollywood Hills fire, January 8th, 2025

Watch The Fire Burn

Ironically, I wrote a song a long while back that was coming from my heart, picturing the wisdom of fire and how it represents the spark of creation. Little did I know that it would come to haunt me over 30 years later.
As I was standing on my balcony on a Wednesday night, January 8th, I could see an ominous orange glow in the Hollywood Hills. After the raging destruction in the Pacific Palisades and Altadena, I thought to myself, boy are we next? With ‘go bags’ on standby, car backed in to be able to leave at a moments notice, I thought what would you take if you really had to leave? Well, the essentials, your hard drives with all of your work, the pictures and videos of your life and a few clothes to last you a week or so. Here is an online account of what actually happened and how I felt at that moment.

Pacific Palisades fire, January 7th, 2025

January 13th, 2025

Good Monday morning, everyone. Although it seems there’s nothing ‘good’ about it.

Wow, what a week it has been. It seems like everything went in slow motion for me. From being on standby with 'go bags' packed, watching the news constantly, seeing entire city blocks wiped out from the fires, feeling powerless and exhausted. It was a week of nightmares. It was hard to focus on anything while the world around us was being burned away. Family and friends were checking in from all over the world, asking if we were okay. Yes, luckily we were okay, but it didn’t feel like it when so many of our friends lost everything. I actually felt guilty of not having lost our house, if you can believe it. But, we are Californians. We pick ourselves up, dust off and start again. L.A. is not for quitters, L.A. is for winners! Speaking of which, I am really looking forward to the Rams playoff game tonight, it might be a little sign of normalcy, getting back to reality in these emotionally draining times.

I want to thank all of the first responders, our fire fighters, our police and EMS personnel, for saving what could be saved. They came from Canada, Mexico, South Africa and many other states and countries to help us here in California!

You guys did a hell of a job! Thank you.

So, let’s all get together, pick up the pieces and start over. I know it sounds like an easy task, but it’s not.

I’ve been through earthquakes, floods and fires before, but this one was a true monster. It’s one of those we will tell our grandchildren about.

Looking forward, it will take a long time for all of us to comprehend the massive damage and the change of landscape these fires have caused. But, we’ll do it, one step at a time. We’re L.A., we don’t give up!

Stay strong my friends! I know it might feel hopeless after the darkness has fallen over our cry of angels, but we’ll go on.

Love to all, hug a neighbor if you can.

So, the in the aftermath, writing stories and creating music seemed irrelevant. The guilt of ‘not losing your house’ overshadowed almost everything. But, we pick up the pieces and carry on. Hopefully inspiration will come soon!


It’s finally here! It has been a true labor of love and all the people that have inspired me and worked with me on this song, thank you! A special shout out goes to Patrick Abbate, who is literally shredding his guitar on this song.
Grazie, Patrick!

So, what is the song about?

To me, the song represents a musical and visual representation of all that is happening to us, as we consume more and more social media. A steady stream of meaningless content that assaults our brains, leaving us numb and feeling depressed. I’m very worried about the kids especially. STAY OFF SOCIAL MEDIA and play in the streets, in the garden, in the woods, at the beach!

For the older generation, it is a song that makes us think. It makes us appreciate more of what we have and the relationships we cherish with each other. But enough of psychoanalyzing everything, enjoy the music!

GEIST - Book of Light update

Hi there, so I wanted to updated everyone on the progress the album is making. Yesterday, I have put down final vocals on ‘PURE’ featuring Nick Black on Vocals and ‘Phenomenon’ which is a new track I had to include on the album. Both track are now ready for mixing. As with everything in life, it takes time to finish your vision of what it should sound and feel like when you work on music. Sometimes, the idea for a song comes out of thin air and you just have to go with what the universe tells you. You just have to listen closely. So, as for news this month, Halloween is upon us and the holidays are fast approaching. It’s always a good time for me to be creative and complete unfinished tracks and see the entirety of the Book of Light album. So, I wish everyone a good week ahead and remember, stay true to your inner self.

Concert For Peace II - Save the date!

GEIST is honored to be a part of this fantastic event! We will be represented with 2 songs: ‘ONE WORLD’ and ‘WE WON’T BREAK’. So save the date!

“Music is the language of the spirit.

It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.”

  • ― Kahlil Gibran


    Simply scan the QR code above OR click this link: http://knekt.liveto access the live stream on September 21st @ 10am PT!!!

    United Nations Association - Southern California Division | Rotary Action Group for Peace | Santa Monica, CA 90403 US

GEIST - ‘Monoliths’

‘We all live in the shadows of the monoliths…’
That’s how the lyrics begin…

I know I said summer break, but when the muse hits you, you just have to listen and follow your instincts. I have always been fascinated by the concept of Monoliths.
What do they stand for?
What do they represent?
Why are they here on earth?

Form the early days of ‘A Space Odyssey 2001’ from master filmmaker Stanley Kubrick, I was intrigued as a kid watching that movie, to suddenly having monoliths show up all around the world in 2020 during the pandemic. I wanted to cover that topic musically. So, I have been working on a story about monoliths. At first, it started out as a ‘story song,’ something to play in the background while the GEIST story is being told. And then, well it happened to turn into a real song for the ‘Book of Light’ album.

I will post more updates about this as I go long…

Blasts from the Past - 'Ausgetrickst' ZDF Film from 1991

Recently, a few songs from my early musical career have surfaced online.

The first one was a ZDF Film production for the German movie: ‘Ausgetrickst’.

It originally aired in 1991 with end credit song called: ‘Into Paradise’, performed by myself and recored and produced by Michael Hofmann deBoer in Munich, Germany.

I don’t remember the exact date of the recording, but I think it was somewhere around 1987-88. There have been a lot of online forums that have been searching for the song for over 18 years and you can read about it in the comment section on Youtube. It was never published as a song itself, only in the movie version.

Into Paradise - ZDF Film Ausgetrickst

Blasts from the Past - 'Black Roses' BMW Roadster Z3 commercial

The song one was called: ‘Black Roses’ and was used for a BMW commercial showcasing the Roadster Z3.

It was performed by myself and recored and produced by Michael Hofmann deBoer in Munich, Germany.

The background vocals feature an artists named Hannah Grace.

This recoding was right around the same time as the ZDF movie above, so around 1987-88.

This song was never published as a single or album recording.

Black Roses - BMW Commercial
Martin Nethercutt