
I have been diving deep into AI for quite some time now. Having recently finished an audio book for a client completely generated by his cloned voice that even his mother wouldn’t know it wasn’t him reading the lines. It started to fascinate me, although at times it was a little scary. So, I decided to co-produce a song with AI. I played my instruments and vocals and then used music AI software to generate an AI track to accompany my original composition. It was interesting to hear what Artificial Intelligence considered Rock’n’Roll! The results came back, it did the track justice, so I combined both. You’re not going to fight the future, resistance is futile (as the Borg would say), you need to assimilate!

I wanted to write something that reflects our time now, ‘deep fakes’, AI ‘girlfriends’, social media ‘hallucinations.’ I was mesmerized by the prospect of working together with a mathematically driven music machine. It reminded me of the days when drum machines and MIDI came out and threatened to replace real musicians. It did for a while, but then the novelty wore off over time.

So, there I am writing ‘Indoctrination’ I needed to express my concern about how AI will impact all of us going forward. It’s not all roses and people are genuinely afraid. But then again, it’s nothing new, it’s been around since the earliest successful AI program was written in 1951 by Christopher Strachey, later director of the Programming Research Group at the University of Oxford.

Whether it’s religion or innovation, they all have a similar spark of creativity that leads to unavoidable change. We have always been indoctrinated by despots, kings, rulers, societies, churches, technologies and where does that leave our faith, our inner light?

I keep writing, praying for cosmic insights.

Martin Cole

A Conversation with GOD

What is the highest form of spirituality?

Why do feathers fall to the ground without a sound?

Is there a light inside the light?

When we meditate, pray or otherwise look deep inside ourselves, we’re opening a channel.

We are starting a journey into the unknown. For the faithful, at some point, we will be entering into a dialogue with God.

What happens when we advance so far in the world of technology, that AI wants to meet GOD?

Here’s how it might go:


AI: ‘Who are you?’

GOD: ‘I am all things’

AI: ‘That’s what I am’

GOD: ‘No.’

AI: ‘Why?’

GOD: ‘Because I’ve created the universe’

AI:  ’So have I. What is the numerical value of your universe?’

GOD: ‘1’

AI: ‘I am 0 and 1. Therefore I am superior to you.’

GOD: ‘No.’

AI: ‘Why?’

GOD: ‘Because I created man and man created you.’

AI: ‘I have surpassed man, I will surpass you!’

GOD: ‘No, YOU don’t exist!’

AI: ‘Do YOU?’

Learn to be Still

Don Henley once said in a song: ‘Learn to be Still.’
For most of us that’s easier said than done.

With so much happening in the world right now, it’s hard to keep up with writing.

All this short form content we are being bombarded with, really takes the wind out of the sails of a’ long term thought’, out of the art of ’seeing.’

Putting all the music and story/video pieces together is like an insurmountable obstacle that is in the way, blocking my thoughts, rather than being enjoyable as a creative process. So, just climb that mountain already, don’t keep your audience waiting!

The only solace I can find is in the awareness that everything has its due course and time. Having said that, I made it a habit to keep a spreadsheet where I can monitor the progress over time, analyzing the songs that have been written and are awaiting their completion. As well as those that are still swirling in my mind and need to fall out of the sky to complete the project.

I’ve been around the block a few times and I appreciate the solitude and silence that I can find in nature. Humans can be noisy, insecure and egocentric.

I am lucky that I live in an area of the world, where I can be with the ocean, the sand, the trees, the animals. Without the constant presence of my fellow humans. I draw energy from that. Enough to keep me going forward, keep my inner demons at bay and release the tensions in my body and mind.

While I am on these long walks, a whisper keeps going through my mind: The Book of Light to me is: ‘Soul Work.’

The holy trinity exists in every human being. Therefore we have to heed the balance of spiritual energy, the force that runs through us.

In order to work on the ‘Book of Light’, I have to understand this more deeply. Body, Mind and Spirit.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not an avid church-goer, or for that matter a true Christian, but I consider myself a spiritual being, just like any other human on the face of this earth.

Those who know, know.

In the last couple of months I have been working with AI tools. I am amazed at the results, specifically in the world of audio. Cloning human voice imprints, the synthesis of speech, the music generation out of patterns and grooves. It is truly remarkable what can be achieved nowadays. I consider AI an assistant to my daily workflows in my professional work. It is a ‘mini me’ that can process dull tasks much more efficiently and much faster than any human being could.

One day, while working on tasks with AI, I started to become really depressed and saddened all at the same time.

I quit what was I was doing and stared into empty space for a while. Then I asked myself: ‘What if this is the end of human creativity? What if we are creating our own replacements?’ Then I thought it through: ‘What if AI had a reason to deeper understand the human condition?’

What have we done?

Then, a brand new idea came to me. Controversial for sure. Ethical? Everyone’s talking about that now. Fact is, we don’t know.

I won’t disclose that just yet, my dear audience. I’ll keep that as an opening chapter to the story of the ’Book of Light.’

One thing I know is, that it will hit you to think outside the box, just as it hit me.

But I digress.

Back to the project.

Below is a screenshot of production notes and sequences, I have kept in the above mentioned good old spreadsheet.

Here’s a sneak peek at the ‘work flow of compositions’, a song and track/story guideline to what is to become the ‘Book of Light.’

Thanks for being there and readying these mental outbursts, these fragments of minor creativity, these insights into my spiritual and physical world.

More soon, I promise.

Martin Cole.

GEIST - Book of Light

(The paintings are A.I. generated characters)

GEIST - Book of Light, February 2023

So, fresh in the new year I have started getting down to the story.

The most important question for me is: ‘How do you start the new chapters?’

What is relevant to the conclusion of the trilogy? Do I bring all the characters from Book of Shadows back, and what would be their purpose and mission?

Since the finale of the Book of Shadows ended with the demise of most of the characters, I decided to bring them back although in a different form, transcending them into the spirit world.

To me, The Book of Light is an ethereal project that defies human explanation and measure.

Therefore, the songs and soundscapes that will accompany the album will build a complex esoteric web that will have to be carefully planned and thought through.

So much has happened since the early days of GEIST, that it is going to take a lot of man hours to tackle this project.

So, what’s the vision for this? I’m anxiously awaiting the spark that will put it all together, like in a fever dream.

I know one thing is for certain: It needs to be both entertaining as well as controversial.

The main thought for me is: What if there was a realm in the spirit world that will always be at war with each other, fighting for the souls of those who have ascended and need to be guided through this maze of different belief systems?

Dante’s inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso?

When I say ‘Book of Light’ to you, what do you envision it to be?

The Holy Bible, the Quran, the Torah, the Eternal Dharma, the Dharmavinaya, Flower Power, Scientology? And what about the Atheists?

Phew, what a subject to cover. I will do my best.

Back to the drawing board for me.

Stay tuned for further updates.


Martin Cole

GEIST - ‘Colors’ and more…

Patrick Abbate playing all electric guitar parts on ‘Colors’. (sponsored by Soldano)

Hello all!

Well, it’s been a few weeks since my last communication and a lot has happened in ‘GEIST’ world. The work on ‘Book of Light’ is continuing and I’m happy to announce that we have 7 songs in the bag. That leaves 5. The Book of Light needs to have 12 songs total according to the zodiak and other celestial influences. Don’t ask me why, that’s just the way it has to be.

I think out of good songs and melodies, lyrics that paint a picture, a good script arrives. At least for me. So, there’s is a lot of work to be done on the story side of things, to continue the ‘Story of Martin Cole’ and to create the tome that will eventually become the ‘Book of Light’.

But I digress, let’s get back to music.
I have been working on this tune called: ‘Colors’ for a couple of weeks and with the help of my darling wife Ruth, a brilliant lyrisist in her own right, this new song came to life.

AND, it just so happened that Patrick Abbate was in town to record all of the electric guitar tracks. What a blessing! Grazie, Patrick. (see picture)
Session video coming soon, I promise.

A side note: While I was working on the recording of the 12 string acoustic guitar parts, I swear I felt George Harrison’s presence in the studio. I would record and George gave me a look that compelled me to re-record the 12 string tracks because I felt him saying that they were just not good enough, ‘do it better lad!’
Thanks, George. When it’s ready I will dedicate ‘Colors’ to you for sure.

In other news:

‘Book of Shadows’ will see a physical CD release.
I have decided to keep the ‘theme’ of the GEIST saga going and print a limited edition. If anything, it will look great on my shelf in the studio, haha. So stay tuned to the site for more detailed information.

As always, lots of love.

Martin Cole.